Important Update Effective February 1, 2024!
Due to recent changes in Jira and Confluence, we've made the tough decision to discontinue the OpenID Connect (OIDC)/OAuth app and no longer provide new versions for the newest Jira/Confluence releases as of January 31, 2024.
This is due to some necessary components no longer shipping with Jira/Confluence, which would require some extensive rewrites of the OIDC App.
Important Update! This app will be discontinued soon!
Due to recent changes in Jira, which no longer ships with some components required for our Read Receipts app to run, we've made the tough decision to discontinue the app, as of Februar 5, 2025.
Important Update! This app will be discontinued soon!
We've made the tough business decision to discontinue the app, as of January 11, 2025.
Signature/Certificate errors
I am using JIRA Data Center / Server or Confluence Data Center / Server. In the SAML Single Sign process i will be redirected to the Identity Provider and successful authenticated. If I am returned from the Identitiy provider to JIRA / Confluence I get the error message:
Processing saml failed: com.resolution.samlprocessor.SAMLProcessorException: Assertion signature validation failed
Processing saml failed: com.resolution.samlprocessor.SAMLProcessorException: Neither Response or Assertion contains a valid signature
- The most occurring reason for this error is because the wrong token signing certificate is used. Please check if the right certificate from your Identity Provider is included in the "IdP Token Signing Certificate" field from your plugin configuration.
- It could be that your JIRA / Confluence system is using a wrong encoding e.g. "ANSI_X3.4-1968". You can check your System Encoding in the following way:
- For JIRA Data Center / Server: Choose the cog icon
→ System → System info → System Encoding
- For Confluence Data Center / Server : Choose the cog icon
→ General configuration → Encoding
- For JIRA Data Center / Server: Choose the cog icon
With the wrong system encoding the certificate cant be decoded properly. As solution you can change your encoding back to the standard value "UTF-8" with following steps:
For JIRA Data Center / Server:
- On the <jira/-install>/bin (or <tomcat-home>/bin for JIRA WAR installations) directory, open the file.
- Add the line: JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=utf-8" and save it.
- Restart JIRA.
For Confluence Data Center / Server:
Choose the cog icon
, then choose General Configuration under Confluence Administration
Choose General Configuration in the left-hand panel.
Choose Edit.
Enter the "UTF-8" in the text box next to Encoding.
Choose Save.