This setup guide is a temporary version and will be updated soon. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you run into any problems.

This guide describes how to complete the initial setup for SAML Single Sign On (SSO) for Bamboo with G Suite (Google App), applicable from plugin version 0.15.5. If you need any further support please feel free to contact us here

Step1 Install the plugin
Step2 Setup the ADFS (A-E)
Step3 Configure the Plugin (A-B)
Step4 Test
Step5 Enable login redirection
Advanced Configuration


Step 1: Install the plugin 

  • Click Add-ons under Bamboo Administration on the top right corner of your Bamboo interface. Then, choose Find new add-ons and you will be taken to Atlassian Marketplace. Search for SAML SSO and click on Free Trial to install. 

After installation succeeded, click on Manage, then choose Configure. Now, you are on the plugin configuration page. 

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Step 2: Setup G Suite 

Login to the Google Admin console at

Substep A. Download IdP Meta Data.

  • Click Apps.

  • Click SAML-Apps.

  • Click Add a Service/App to your domain.

  • Click Setup My Own Custom App.

  • Click Download for IDP-Metadata and Save the XML file. 

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Substep B. Fill in Application Name and Description

  • On the G Suite admin page, click Next.

Choose an Application Name and Description and click Next.

Substep C. Enter the Service Provider Details.

  • Both ACS URL and Entity ID are https://<your-Bamboo>/plugins/servlet/samlsso.
  • Select Primary Email as NameID and UNSPECIFIED as Name ID Format.
  • Click Next. 

Substep D. Configure the Attribute Mapping

  • This Mapping defines which values are contained in the SAML-Response. Use ADD NEW MAPPING to add in new value.
  • In this example, 3 fields email, firstname and lastname are defined (the attribute names can be choosen) which are mapped to Primary Email, First Name and Last Name.
  • Click Finish.

  • Click OK to close the Wizard.

Substep E. Enable the IdP

  • Enable the IdP by selecting ON for everyone or ON for some organizations and confirming it. 

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Step 3: Configure the Plugin

To continue Step 3, please go back to the plugin configuration page opened in Step1.   

Substep A: Load G Suite Meta Data.

  • On the Plugin Configuration Page, choose a Name and Description.
  • Select the XML radio button, paste the content from the Metadata file downloaded in Step2 Substep1 and click the Load button.
  • The IdP POST Binding URL, Entity Id and Certificate fields will be filled automatically.

Substep B: Configure general Bamboo groups

If a user logs in using SAML, he will be added to the groups specified in the User Groups section. This applies to all users. The user is assigned to these groups in addition to the groups in the SAML-response's attribute. The standard group in Bamboo is called "stash-users".

  • Click Save settings to store the configuration


Step 4: Test

  • Create a Bamboo user which has his G Suite email address as userid (if no such user already exists).

If the user should use SSO only, we recommend using a long string of random characters for the password.

  • Open a private browser window (or another browser with no active session in Bamboo).
  • Enter the SSO-URL- https://<your-bamboo>/plugins/servlet/samlsso.

  • You should be redirected to the Google login.

  • After logging in to Google, you should be logged into Bamboo:

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Step 5: Enable login redirection

  • After the setup has been tested successfully, the automatic redirection at the IdP can be enabled by checking the Enable SSO Redirect and Override Logged Out URL checkboxes:

With these settings, users accessing Bamboo will be automatically redirected to the IdP. So if they already logged in at Google, then they would be also instantly logged in to Bamboo.

Advanced Configurations

Advanced IdP settings

  • To see advanced IdP-specific settings, click Show Advanced IdP Settings in the IdP section of the configuration.

Advanced general settings

  • To see advanced general settings, click Show Advanced Settings in the general settings section.


All changes require clicking the save button to be active.

Userid transformation

G Suite can only provide the email address as userid. If your Bamboo usernames are e.g. user with the email address, you can transform it.

  • On the Plugin Configuration Page, click Show Advanced IdP Settings.
  • In the Userid Transformation field, enter (.*)@.* and $1. This will strip the @ and domain-part away.

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