Business Benefits for Using SAML Single Sign On (SSO)
Why Single Sign On Atlassian JIRA and Confluence? As it improves user experience for both IT administrators and end users. Read on for more
Information for customers and partners
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Huiyi Lin
re:solution Reichert Network Solution
1. Detailed Product Information and Contacts
- Company Name: resolution Reichert Network Solutions GmbH
- Product information and pricing:
SAML SSO for Confluence:
SAML SSO for Bitbucket:
SAML SSO for Bamboo: - Your contact for technical details:
- Your contact for any other topics: Huiyi Lin, +49 159 03765997,
2. Major Benefits for Using SAML SSO for JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket and Bamboo
- Increased Security: Authentication is delegated to the SAML IdP, so advanced authentication methods on the IdP also apply to JIRA and Confluence
- Centralize User Access Control: A single registry of user IDs with a centralized management interface allows quick and easy provisioning and deactivating of user accounts. With SAML SSO, user can be created and updated during login based on data provided by the SAML IdP. So centralized user management is possible without attaching JIRA or Confluence to a LDAP directory.
- Single Identity: A secure, enterprise-wide infrastructure with common password and security setting that can be centrally managed and secured. Users are also less likely to write down their passwords when there is only one to remember.
- No Login Screen for Windows Domain users: When using ADFS as Identity provider, users logged in to Windows Domain PCs are already authenticated at the IdP and don’t need to login again
- Reduce IT personnel Costs and Head Counts: Especially for large organization, less time is spent on managing accounts, communicating passwords and assigning groups, resulted from employee turnover.
- Improve User Experience and Tool Adoption Rate: Thanks to ease of use, it becomes easier to access the application, users will therefore use JIRA more frequently.
- Boost Productivities and Gain Financial Savings: Save at least $xxx by not having to sign in 1 time per day (see section 5)
3.Product Feature
- Basic function:
Delegate authentication to SAML 2.0 Identity Providers (IdPs), this plugin is compatible with all IdPs, including AD FS, Azure AD, G Suite, Shibboleth, Onelogin, Ping, Okta, Centrify, Salesforce, Bitium, OpenAM, RSA, WSO2, NetIQ, Keycloak and more. - SAML SingleSignOn from re:solution Provides:
- Support for JIRA/Confluence Data Center (Check Atlassian Marketplace for the most updated information).
- Easy configuration via metadata and wizard
- Large enterprise feature set, eg. multiple IdPs, signing SAML requests, encrypted SAML responses, on-the-fly user creation,
- Technical support: Link to customer support portal
- Proven quality: 4.9 out of 5.0 customer satisfaction rate (see customer ratings in section 7);
- Reliability: Atlassian Verified Vendor; technical updates and feature development, see how we are doing on our promised SLA to respond within 8 business hours.
4.Sales Pitch
- Target Audience - Large Organisations with high employee turnover rates (esp. Banking, Finance, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing and Distribution)
IT personnel is expensive, do you really want to spend their time on managing JIRA/Confluence accounts, communicating passwords, assigning groups when employees join or leave? Just think about it... if you have 200 personnel changes per year and your systems administrator spends 15 minutes per account, it equals 50 hours’ work per year, which will cost your company more than $1000 p.a. - Target Audience - JIRA User
By spending 30 seconds per user per day on logging in to Jira, your organization loses at least $xxx per year. SAML SSO solves the problem easily. Your Return of Investment is only a matter of xxx weeks. Your employees will enjoy much better user experience in addition to the higher Jira adoption rates and lower help desk costs (fill in the relevant data in section 5). Target Audience - Confluence User
Using SAML SSO your employees can join conversations and share their thoughts in 1 click! It enables better user experience in addition to higher Confluence adoption rates and lower help desk costs. By spending 30 seconds per day on logging in to Confluence, you lose at least $xxx per year. Therefore, your Return of Investment is only a matter of xxx weeks. Enjoy barrier-free communication and collaboration!
5.Quantifiable Financial Benefits by Improving Productivity
Please check and calculate the ROI for your organization. Depending on the number of users involved, the Return of Investment period is between 3 months to less than a week. The more users involved, the faster it pays off.
- Click to download ROI Calculator Version 3_Excel.xlsx.
6.Further information
- How SAML SingleSignOn works
- Setup Guide for SAML SSO for JIRA
- Setup Guides for SAML SSO for Confluence
- Setup Guides for SAML SSO for Bitbucket
7. Customer Satisfaction Rate