Migrate Users between Directories with Database Updates
Currently, we are not providing an official guide for migrating users between directories via database updates.
This is mostly due to the fact that this is a complex procedure and not officially supported by Atlassian.
Furthermore, the procedure varies between products and even versions.
This requires to constantly review and re-test the procedure, something we don't want to leave our customers alone with.
Please contact our support https://jira.resolution.de/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
or book a free screen share session to discuss this topic: https://calendly.com/resolution-support should you need help.
- migrate existing users between directories
- i.e. from an LDAP based directory to the internal directory
Some user directories can't be migrated with Atlassian default GUI functionality.
These limitations are outlined in Atlassian's documentation: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver070/migrating-users-between-user-directories-749382806.html
The scenarios not covered are still part of suggestions/ feature requests: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-27868
Migration of users is typically needed in
- preparation for switching from LDAP to just in-time provisioning
- i.e. no direct LDAP connection from your Atlassian instance possible anymore
- preparation for switching from LDAP to Azure AD