What's new

Automatic metadata reloading, improved support information, new configuration format.

Upgrade consideration

We introduced the new JSON configuration version 8. Also the internal format of the stored configuration changed from XML to JSON. If you are using the inofficial REST API to export, import or modify the XML configuration please contact our support for more information.

Data Center

This version is fully compatible with Jira and Confluence Data Center. It will also be available for Bitbucket Data Center soon. Until then Bitbucket customers should stay on the 2.4.x versions, which are still maintained and compatible with Data Center.



Released on 25 June 2019 for Jira and Confluence (Server and Data Center)

  • Fixed issue on creating metadata on first installation.

Changes specific to Jira

  • None

Changes specific to Confluence

  • None


Released on 24 June 2019 for Jira and Confluence (Server and Data Center)

  • Added periodically refresh and update of metadata from an URL.
  • Added option to request protocol binding of SAML response.
  • Improved logging for support.
  • Changed internal format of the configuration from XML to JSON.
  • Includes UserSync 1.1.8, see UserSync 1.1.x release notes.

Changes specific to Jira

  • Fixed Non-SSO URLs for Application Links.

Changes specific to Confluence

  • None