Hosted by our strategic partner and renowned Data Center app builder re:solution, the Umano Connector for Jira Data Center brings the power of Umanos Agile Copilot & Toolkit insights to your teams.

The Connector App will unlock the power of a Umano plan that best suits your Agile maturity:

  • Agile Project Management: Teams Reporting & Charts
  • Agile Project Management: Teams Copilot & Toolkit
  • Agile Project Management: Teams Goals, Guardrails & Longer-term Reporting

You will need both this Umano Connector App and a Umano workspace to get started.

Download this Umano Connector App for free to connect your Jira Data Centre site to Umano by following the guided onboarding journey.

Start your free Umano trial by selecting your plan on our website, and creating your account.

Please speak to our team to explore what a POC looks like for you.

Resources: Book a Meeting I Product Page I Free Trial I Resolution + Umano Partnership