Notification of Status Updates: 

From the "Notifications" section you can configure exactly how and when participants should be notified via Slack about their specific upcoming standup meetings. 
Two reminders can be configured:
1. An initial "Update Reminder" via a dedicated Slack channel to remind participants to prepare their standups. 
2. A "Meeting Reminder" via a dedicated Slack channel to remind and inform participants about their standup meeting that is about to start. 

To start configuring these reminders, go to "Notifications" from the Settings menu. 

Click on Notifications

Update Reminder:

The first step is to create the "Update Reminder", which can be done by opening the configuration window by clicking on the arrow next to it. 

Click on down

Set a preferred time for the "Update Reminder" by selecting either:
"Before the Meeting" - which allows you to select a set amount of minutes before the standup meeting takes place.
"Custom Time" - which allows you to select a more specific time based on 30-minute intervals. 

Click on Notifications

Under "Slack channel name", enter the dedicated Slack channel where the notifications will be sent from. 

Click on Slack channel name

From the "Reminder message" section, customize the message that will be sent as the reminder message in the dedicated Slack channel. 
Please Note: Moving the "[My Update]" section within the message will result in the link being displayed to where this section is moved to. You may replace the text in square brackets with your own.

Click on "Copy Slackbot Command" to get the reminder message that needs to be pasted and posted in the dedicated Slack Channel. 
The reminder message will contain the details that were defined during the configuration and have the following structure:

/remind #status-channel-name "Please prepare your status update, for the daily standup meeting - [My Update](" every Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday at 08:55 AM

Once this reminder has been successfully posted to the dedicated Slack channel, it will trigger notifications as indicated.  

Click on Copy Slackbot command

Please Note: Click on "Copy link for My Update page" to copy the "My Update" link and use it where needed, for example: To be used in a calendar reminder.

Meeting Reminder

The first step is to create the "Update Reminder", which can be done by opening the configuration window by clicking on the arrow next to it. 

Click on down

Set a preferred time for the "Meeting Reminder" by selecting either:
"Before the Meeting" - which allows you to select a set amount of minutes before the standup meeting takes place.
"Custom Time" - which allows you to select a more specific time based on 30-minute intervals. 

Click on Notifications

Under "Slack channel name", enter the dedicated Slack channel where the notifications will be sent from. 

Under "Meeting Link", paste the link to the virtual meeting room of choice, for example, a Zoom Meeting Link.

From the "Reminder message" section, customize the message that will be sent as the reminder message in the dedicated Slack channel. 
Please Note: Moving the "[NASA Live Meeting]" and "[Video Meeting]" sections within the message will result in the links being displayed to where this section is moved. You may replace the texts in square brackets with your own (the first text in brackets will always be used for the link to the standup app meeting in Jira and the second for the meeting link).

Click on "Copy Slackbot Command" to get the meeting reminder message that needs to be pasted and posted in the dedicated Slack Channel. 
The meeting reminder message will contain the details that were defined during the configuration and have the following structure:

/remind #meeting-channel-name "Please join the standup live meeting: [NASA Live Meeting], 
Please join the Zoom call here: [Video Meeting]" every Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday at 08:59 AM

Once this reminder has been successfully posted to the dedicated Slack channel, it will trigger meeting notifications as indicated.  
Click on  Copy Slackbot command

Please Note: Click on "Copy link for meeting lobby" to copy the "Meeting lobby" link and use it where needed, for example: To be used in a calendar meeting reminder.

Once all of the necessary reminder notifications have been configured. click on "Save changes" to save the configuration. 

Click on Save changes

Click on "Confirm" to finalize your saved changes.

Click on Confirm