Important Update Effective February 1, 2024!
Due to recent changes in Jira and Confluence, we've made the tough decision to discontinue the OpenID Connect (OIDC)/OAuth app and no longer provide new versions for the newest Jira/Confluence releases as of January 31, 2024.
This is due to some necessary components no longer shipping with Jira/Confluence, which would require some extensive rewrites of the OIDC App.
Important Update! This app will be discontinued soon!
Due to recent changes in Jira, which no longer ships with some components required for our Read Receipts app to run, we've made the tough decision to discontinue the app, as of Februar 5, 2025.
Important Update! This app will be discontinued soon!
We've made the tough business decision to discontinue the app, as of January 11, 2025.
Logging in Bitbucket
For more information on audit and regular logging in Bitbucket, please refer to this page:
Audit Logging
The Jira and Confluence audit log holds records of key activities, such as adding new users, changing group memberships and many others.
Read more about it here:
Default Audit Logging
Creating and deleting tokens is always added to the audit log. It contains a few details of the token along with its ID which is intended to cross-reference tokens (i.e. to identify the revocation of a token)
Example Audit Log for creating a token
Advanced Audit Logging
Sys admins have more control over what events should be added to the audit log.
Please consider carefully what type of authentication events you want to audit-log. Depending on the number of REST requests and the event types, the audit log size might increase very quickly.
Having a long audit log retention period combined with a lot of recorded events may affect your database and its performance.
In the Audit Logging tab, you can select the following events to be logged. All these are turned off by default.
- Successful Authentication
- Failed Authentication Attempts
- Audit-log failed API token basic authentication attempts
- Audit-log failed API token bearer authentication attempts
- Audit-log failed API token verification
- Permission Denied
With 1 - Successful Authentication - activated, a successful authentication with an API token is recorded into the audit log.
Because of technical limitations, the author is shown as "Anonymous".
The "Affected object(s)" column, however, shows the reference to the user who logged in.
Option 2 - Audit-log failed API token basic authentication attempts - a) is only available, if basic authentication with regular passwords is disabled.
A valid API token is expected and if this is not the case, an audit record like the one below is created.
It also includes logging of attempts coming from an IP address that is restricted by the app:
Option 3 - Audit-log failed API token bearer authentication attempts - a) is only available, if bearer authentication with other authenticators is disabled.
A valid API token is expected and if this is not the case, an audit record like the one below is created. It also includes logging attempts coming from an IP address that is restricted by the app.
For failed bearer authentication we can't show the username because it can only be derived from a valid token.
With 2 c) - Audit-log failed API token verification - activated, many other API interactions with regular passwords or bearer tokens might be recorded
since there is no way to tell for certain if the authentication header contains an API token, a password or a token from another authenticator app.
Thus, it might lead to a lot of events being recorded and is usually not advised.
With 3 - Permission Denied - activated,
Using tokens with a "Read Only" scope for a write operation will result in a record like the one below:
Audit Logging in Confluence
It seems that Confluence is showing the client IP address in the Load balancer/proxy IP address field and reverse. This is already the case for audit-log records not created by the API Token app, and seems to be a Confluence issue.
Log4j version 2
From the top navigation bar, select Administration > System.
Select System support > Logging & Profiling to open the Logging page, which lists all defined log4j categories (as package names) and their current logging levels.
To set the logging level for another package that isn't listed, select Configure logging level for another package. That will prompt you to specify the package and logging level. Your change to the logging level for another package will not persist after you restart Jira.
Permanently changing the logging level
In Jira 9.5, Atlassian upgraded the Log4j runtime logging library to version 2. This means that you’ll need to use the Log4j 2 XML configuration file format, if you're already using Jira 9.5 and newer.
Jira Log4j configuration files are located in the Jira application home directory:
- For Jira 9.5 and newer:
Locate the section and make your changes. Your change to the logging level will persist, even after you restart Jira:
- The example is using the
appender without additivity (meaning their logs won't propagate to the root logger)
<!-- Logger for API Token Authentication -->
<Logger name="de.resolution.apitokenauth" level="INFO" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="filelog"/>
Restart Jira.
Log4j version 1
After changing the log level for the package de.resolution.apitokenauth to INFO our app writes additional entries to the log file.
Jira: https://your-jira/secure/admin/ViewLogging.jspa
You need to adjust your log4j configuration so that the logging persists across Jira restarts. Atlassian describes that here:
For your convenience, please find below a log4j configuration example that redirects all INFO logging to a file called apitokenservice.log
The log4j configuration needs to be adjusted on each node of the cluster., apitokenservice
log4j.appender.apitokenservice.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSSZ} %t %p %X{jira.username} %X{} %X{} %X{jira.request.ipaddr} %X{jira.request.url} [%q{2}] %m%n
Confluence: https://your-confluence/admin/viewlog4j.action / Read here on how to make the log level persistent
You'll then see the authentication-related entries below in the Jira or Confluence log file. These entries contain:
- a description of the event
- the token description (if applicable to the event)
- the token scope (if applicable for the event)
- the username
- the path of the REST endpoint for the call
When using a Data Center, the log file entries might be distributed across one or multiple nodes, depending on where the load balancer directed the request to.
You might not see anything on one node but on others instead.
Successful Authentication
The second line was introduced with version 2.1 and it contains the username in a format that most log file analyzers can extract with default templates.
Failed Authentication Attempts
Only if basic authentication with a regular password is disabled in the app settings, it's safe to tell if a token provided was wrong, causing the below message in the log file:
Another reason for a failed authentication attempt might be an IP restriction:
If basic authentication with a regular password is enabled, it might still be a valid password that is accepted by the Jira- or Confluence password authenticator. Hence, the log message reads like this:
Permission Denied Events
If a token with a "Read Only" scope is used during a write operation, a 403 error is returned as REST response and leaves a log file entry like the one below.
Other 403 errors logged by de.resolution.apitokenauth.ApiTokenAuthenticationService
should only occur in rare events.
Rate Limited Requests
If rate-limiting is enabled, logging the package de.resolution.apitokenauth.platform.auth.ApiTokenRateLimiter on INFO level provides the below record in the log file. This has been added in version 1.9.4.