In this page you can learn how to integrate Crowd with your Atlassian applications (like Jira, Confluence, or Bitbucket) using our SAML SSO apps. This plugin provides immediate access to the Atlassian stack to your end users and a consistent log in experience.

If you need help or have questions with Crowd or with a different Identity Provider,  you can contact us via our help desk or book a free screen share session at

Similar guides for most Identity Providers can be found on the left panel of this documentation.

Step-by-Step Guides for integrating Crowd with SAML2

Please pick one of the following step-by-step guides.

Which Step-by-Step Guide you should pick?

Depending on your Atlassian products and how you want to manage users, you can choose from different user provisioning models.

In general, with Atlassian Crowd, we support the following methods for user provisioning:

  1. For Manual User Management, the administrator has to create and update users on crowd and your Atlassian product manually.

Overview of the different approaches to integrate users from a Crowd cloud directory

Model/FunctionAdmin Effort(tick) Pros and Feature Highlights(error) Cons
Manual User ManagementHigh 

  • No initial configuration is required to provision users
  • No sync between Crowd and Atlassian application happens
  • Needs manual maintenance of two user bases (or is done via custom developments)