
This app collects data of Page views and Confluence events and sends them to Google Analytics

We store the minimum amount of data on our servers to get accomplish the add-on task at hand. Nothing is persisted beyond the app registration entries at this time, as well as your Google Analytics Tracking ID provided. 

Google Analytics for Confluence Cloud uses Amazon AWS to host files in S3, as well as providing some functional processing via AWS Lambda

Requested Scopes

The requested scopes are:

  • See and download your Google Analytics data (Read-only scope)

This app reads data from your Google Analytics account and displays it in chart and table statistics on your wiki page. To read this data, an OAuth2 connection is necessary.

  • The read-only scope is the only scope necessary for the app to show data in your Confluence instance.
  • Edit Google Analytics management entities (Edit scope)

This app also has the possibility to configure custom dimensions in your Google Analytics property. The custom dimensions create Confluence specific attributes that allow you to analyze data more granularly.

The simplest way to achieve this is to allow an Edit scope so the app will automatically create the custom dimensions.

For GA4, our app requires the API Secret so we can send custom events to GA. This requires an edit scope to create this API secret automatically.

You can always remove scopes from your Google Admin console.

Data Storage And Facilities

Google Analytics for Confluence Cloud hosted service uses the Amazon AWS S3 & Lambda.

People And Access

resolution's support team accesses Amazon AWS data only for purposes of application health monitoring and performing system or application maintenance, and upon customer request for support purposes. Only authorized resolution employees have access to server data.

Customers are responsible for maintaining the security of their own Confluence Cloud login information.


Google Analytics for Confluence Cloud backups are made only of Atlassian Connect application registration information & the provided Google Analytics Tracking ID, no customer data is stored. 

More information

More general information about how we treat your personal data can be found in the general Data Protection Statement.