What should I do if a reassignment to a coverer fails?

Reassignment failures can occur due to several reasons, such as the coverer not being a team member of the project, the coverer being out of office without a secondary coverer, or a reassignment loop.

Ask for support: If the failure doesn't match these reasons, please raise a ticket with our support team for further assistance.

Can I override the reassignments when the reporter and the assignee are the same person?

Reassignments cannot be overridden when the reporter and assignee are the same person.

Feature request: Please raise a ticket with our support team here with the summary “override rule” if you're interested in this option.

Can I override the reassignments when the coverer reassigns back to the original assignee?

Rule reassignments cannot be overridden when a coverer reassigns back to the original assignee.

Feature request: Please raise a ticket with our support team here with the summary “override rule” if you're interested in this option.

How can I bypass the Out of Office Assistant for specific projects or issues?

To bypass Out of Office rules for all projects, create more specific rules like a single project rule or a JQL-based rule. These specific rules are evaluated first before applying the all-projects rule.

Further reading: User walkthrough

Is there a way to log all actions taken by the Out of Office Assistant?

Currently, logging every action taken by the app is not possible.

Feature request: If a customer-facing logging system is needed, please raise a ticket with our support team here with the summary “public log”.

How can I resolve sync issues between Out of Office rules in Jira and synced rules in the Out of Office Assistant's app for Slack?

For synchronization issues between Slack and Jira, try revoking and reconnecting the integration.

Feature request: If problems persist, please raise a ticket with our support team for troubleshooting assistance.