0. About the Out of Office Admin roles

Out of Office Assistant for Jira Cloud relies on Jira admin roles to decide who can do what:

  • End users can create and manage their own out of office rules. They can also see anybody else's  rules.
  • Project admins can, in addition, create and manage rules on behalf of any users, with the scope of a single project. See the Project Admin Walkthrough for more details.
  • Jira admins can create and manage rules on behalf of any users, across any projects and issue filters. Additionally, they can
    • change the app global settings 
    • administrate REST API tokens
    • setup the integration with Tempo Planner (now called Capacity Planner)

Rights and limitations of Out of Office admins

Besides that, it's possible to appoint Out of Office admins.

  • Admin rights: Out of Office admins can create and manage rules on behalf of any users
  • Limitations: Out of Office admins cannot change the app global settings, administrate REST API tokens, or setup the integration with Tempo Planner (now called Capacity Planner)

Giving Out of Office admin rights to power users

Sometimes you may want to have Out of Office administrated by a team lead or other type of power user, without making them Jira admins or even Project Admins.

You will need a Jira Admin to grant these rights. 

  • Go to Out of Office > User Administration > Global Settings
  • Once in the Global Settings, access the Permissions tab
  • Here, you can add any number of single users; alternatively, it's also possible to add a group, and make every user in that group an Out of Office Admin. 

1. Launch the Out-Of-Office User Administration

From the main menu select Jira Settings / Apps. Then click on User Administration in the Out-Of-Office Assistant section.

Out of Office User List in Jira

2. Type a name or select a project

All relevant users will be displayed. In the Actions column, you can add rules on behalf of users ().

Or, if there are already rules defined, editdelete or just list them ().

Search options in Jira's Out of Office User list

The forms you will see are the same as for the user.

3. Reassignments Analytics

When an issue of a user is reassigned by the Out-Of-Office Assistant, you get a lozenge message in the Analytics column.

Reassignment Analytics showing the number of issues reassigned by a rule

If you click on it, you see which issue, when and to whom it was reassigned.

It will also show errors when reassigns didn't work, e g. if the assignee is also out of office and has no coverer.

Detailed reassignment analytics 

5. Add out of office tags to mentions:

Example of a mention Out of Office tag

Every user can choose if and how such a tag will be added, when he or she is mentioned. As admin you can choose the default that is used for new rules.

Mention Settings configuration

You have three options:

  • Don't add an ooo tag to mentions in comments
  • Add an ooo tag to mentions when out of office
  • Add it already days before out of office

And some options for before the time tag:
Emoji options for the Out of Office mention tag

6. Enabling the Rest API  

6.1 Rest API documentation

The complete description of the Rest API for the Out of Office Assistant you find on the Swagger website: Out of Office Assistant Rest API | resolution-cloud | SwaggerHub.

6.2 Authorization by User

Out of Office Assistant Rest API Tokens

Rest API Tokens made for the Out of Office Assistant only affect reading, creating, updating and deleting OoO rules. They can't be used for anything else in your Jira Cloud instance.

There are two options how to handle Rest API tokens. Either you can ...

A) Enable all users for creating their own Rest API tokens, by checking "Allow users to create there own Rest API tokens", the users will only be able to create tokens for their own rules, or

API enablement in the global properties

B) ... by creating them for them:

6.3 Authorization by Admin

To create tokens you can go to the Out-Of-Office User Administration tab "Rest API Tokens". There you find a list with all created tokens.

API Token creation screen

Hit "Create New Token" button. Select a user and a scope.

Token creation window

A token is always issued for one specific user. As scopes you can choose between "READ / WRITE & DELETE" and "ADMIN". "READ / WRITE & DELETE" enables read, write and delete actions the rules of one specific user. "ADMIN" allows to do the same, but for all users of the instance.

Hit "Create Token".

Second screen of the API Token creation

Now you can either copy the token and send it to the user in some secure way, or send the user a link where he can obtain his token.

I he follows the link he gets to his out of office rule list, with a button get the token.

Token creation for regular users

6.4 Accessing the Rest API

On our Swagger page you can learn about all features and try them ...

Out of Office Assistant Rest API | resolution-cloud | SwaggerHub

7. Further reading: User Guide

Everything else is identical to how the normal user sees it.

1. Launch the Out-Of-Office User Administration

From the main menu select Jira Settings / Apps. Then click on User Administration in the Out-Of-Office Assistant section.

Out of Office User List in Jira

2. Type a name or select a project

All relevant users will be displayed. In the Actions column, you can add rules on behalf of users ().

Or, if there are already rules defined, editdelete or just list them ().

Search options in Jira's Out of Office User list

The forms you will see are the same as for the user.

3. Reassignments Analytics

When an issue of a user is reassigned by the Out-Of-Office Assistant, you get a lozenge message in the Analytics column.

Reassignment Analytics showing the number of issues reassigned by a rule

If you click on it, you see which issue, when and to whom it was reassigned.

It will also show errors when reassigns didn't work, e g. if the assignee is also out of office and has no coverer.

Detailed reassignment analytics 

5. Add out of office tags to mentions:

Example of a mention Out of Office tag

Every user can choose if and how such a tag will be added, when he or she is mentioned. As admin you can choose the default that is used for new rules.

Mention Settings configuration

You have three options:

  • Don't add an ooo tag to mentions in comments
  • Add an ooo tag to mentions when out of office
  • Add it already days before out of office

And some options for before the time tag:
Emoji options for the Out of Office mention tag

6. Enabling the Rest API   

6.1 Rest API documentation

The complete description of the Rest API for the Out of Office Assistant you find on the Swagger website: Out of Office Assistant Rest API | resolution-cloud | SwaggerHub.

6.2 Authorization by User

Out of Office Assistant Rest API Tokens

Rest API Tokens made for the Out of Office Assistant only affect reading, creating, updating and deleting OoO rules. They can't be used for anything else in your Jira Cloud instance.

There are two options how to handle Rest API tokens. Either you can ...

A) Enable all users for creating their own Rest API tokens, by checking "Allow users to create there own Rest API tokens", the users will only be able to create tokens for their own rules, or

API enablement in the global properties

B) ... by creating them for them:

6.3 Authorization by Admin

To create tokens you can go to the Out-Of-Office User Administration tab "Rest API Tokens". There you find a list with all created tokens.

API Token creation screen

Hit "Create New Token" button. Select a user and a scope.

Token creation window

A token is always issued for one specific user. As scopes you can choose between "READ / WRITE & DELETE" and "ADMIN". "READ / WRITE & DELETE" enables read, write and delete actions the rules of one specific user. "ADMIN" allows to do the same, but for all users of the instance.

Hit "Create Token".

Second screen of the API Token creation

Now you can either copy the token and send it to the user in some secure way, or send the user a link where he can obtain his token.

I he follows the link he gets to his out of office rule list, with a button get the token.

Token creation for regular users

6.4 Accessing the Rest API

On our Swagger page you can learn about all features and try them ...

Out of Office Assistant Rest API | resolution-cloud | SwaggerHub

7. Restricting Projects

It's possible to block the app's access to some Jira projects with Data Security Policies

Doing this will stop Out of Office Assistant from:

  • acting on any issues from blocked projects
  • allowing to create rules on blocked projects
  • listing rules in blocked projects in the user view
  • providing JQL results from those projects
  • showing blocked projects in the app's filters and project pickers

The app warns in certain situations when existing rules can't go into effect or when not all projects can be indexed:

Warning for blocked rules

Warning for unlisted projects in User View

Warning for unlisted projects in Rule Form

8. Further reading: User Guide

Everything else is identical to how the normal user sees it.