This page describes how to find available assignees with the new Out of Office issue context.

Replacement Notice

The issue context described in this page is replacing the legacy issue glance, which was deprecated by Atlassian in February 2024.

Find out more: Issue View: How to know when a user is on leave

Possible Status

The app supports the following 4 status:


Collapsed ViewExpanded View

Active vs Passive "Unassigned"

Out of Office distinguishes between:

  • an active "Unassigned" status, which results from an Out of Office rule where "Unassigned" was the designated coverer. This status is highlighted in purple, as in the example above.
  • a passive "Unassigned" status, when the issue hasn't been assigned yet, or it has be unassigned manually. This status is marked in grey as follows: UNASSIGNED


Collapsed ViewExpanded View

Leaving Soon

Collapsed ViewExpanded View

Out of Office

Collapsed ViewExpanded View

Accessing the Out of Office Issue Context

The Issue Context is designed to make informed decisions when an issue has to be triaged.

Users can see the current and future availability of assignable users within that project, and prevent assignments to users who are currently out of office or about to go on leave.

The native Assignee field lacks any context on whether a user is currently active.

1. Scroll to locate the Out of Office Issue Context

The Issue Context will typically be located below the Details, More Fields, and Automations sections.

Since there may be other containers for apps that were already installed, this image may not entirely correspond to what you see in your instance.

Scroll to locate the Out of Office Issue Context

2. Check the status

By default, the issue context first displays in a collapsed view.

This collapsed view already communicates the availability status of the current assignee.

Remember that there are four possible states:

  • Unassigned

  • Available

  • Leaving Soon

  • Out of Office

Finding users and assigning from the issue context

3. Expand the issue context

Click on the issue context to expand it.

This first page shows:

  • Name, avatar, and Out of Office status of the current assignee

  • More available assignees

Expand the issue context

4. Pick a different assignee

The "Available Assignees" section displays a roaster with the avatars of available assignees.

Click on an avatar to make an assignment.

Pick a different assignee

The spinner wheel confirms that the assignment is being processed

Click on Assigning issue to Jaime Capitel

5. Check the new assignee

The new assignee loads in the "Current Assignee" section.

This action also updates:

  • The native "Assignee" field in Jira

  • The status in the collapsed issue context

Check the new assignee

6. Look for additional assignees

The roaster of available assignees only shows users who are currently available.

However, it's possible to assign to any user in the project by clicking on the "Change assignee" button.

Look for additional assignees

7. See all users

A new page opens with a full list of all project team members, sorted by their Out of Office status:

  • Available

  • Leaving Soon

  • Out of Office

See all users

8. Select an assignee

It's possible to assign the issue to a user who is Out of Office. Simply click anywhere on their name or Avatar.

Select an assignee

9. Check for reassignments

If the user has an active rule with a coverer that applies for that issue, the issue will be reassigned.

The issue context will in that case add an additional lozenge with the label "covering", together with the name of the user that is being covered.

Check for reassignments

10. Check assignee details

Click on the arrow to the right of the assignee to check the details of their active Out of Office rule.

This can be done for the following status: Leaving Soon, Out of Office.

Check assignee details

A page opens with the rule details:

  • Rule period

  • Coverers

  • Approver Coverer

  • Out of Office Message (not displayed if empty)

11. Check coverage details

Click on the arrow to the right of the coverage information to check the details.

Check coverage details

Note that this page displays the OoO rule of a different user who has selected the current assignee as its coverer.


Important Notes

  • The assignee availability information displayed in the issue context can also be displayed to customers in the JSM portal. Find out more: Displaying agent availability in the customer portal
  • It's possible that coverage information becomes outdated when the issue is triaged multiple times. Please reach out to us if this becomes a problem.
  • When assigning from the native Assignee field, the issue context can't automatically load the corresponding info. Please force a refresh in your browser to get the accurate data
  • This is an entirely new capability. Please reach out to j.capitel(at) or book a screenshare session with us here if you want to share feedback and discuss your requirements.