Configuring Jira boards to show who is Out of Office
It's possible to change the Card Colors settings in Jira boards to display which cards are assigned to users who are Out of Office.
For this, you'll need a Company-managed project. Team-managed projects don't give the option to configure card colors!
How to Configure your board to display a different color when the assignee is Out of Office
- In your desired board, click on the meatball menu and select "Board settings"
- In the board settings, click on Card colors
- Select "Queries" as the method to change colors
- Then, add any from following JQL queries:
Assignee is Out of Office today | Assignee is Out of Office tomorrow | Assignee is out of office soon (in less than four days) | |
Query | | assignee.outofoffice.tomorrow=1 | assignee.outofoffice.soon=1 |
Recommended color | Red | Orange | Yellow |
The result will look something like this:
Note that if you combine multiple colors and queries, you will have to make sure that they are mutually exclusive with AND operators and some boolean logic:
Assignee is Out of Office today | Assignee is Out of Office tomorrow | Assignee is out of office soon (in less than four days) | |
Query | | assignee.outofoffice.tomorrow=1 AND | AND assignee.outofoffice.tomorrow=0 AND assignee.outofoffice.soon=1 |
Recommended color | Red | Orange | Yellow |