How does NASA provide insights after a standup meeting is finished?

After a standup meeting, NASA generates a summary page with participants' updates and analytics to gain more insights about the meeting and sprint or cadence.
Further information: [Team Journal](

Can I view the historical summaries of past standup meetings in NASA?

Yes, NASA's Team Journal can contain up to 30 days of standup meeting summaries, accessible by any user of the stream.
Further information: [Team Journal](

Is it possible for any participant to navigate through the analytics reports generated by NASA?

Any user who is part of the stream can navigate through the summaries and analytics provided by the Team Journal in NASA.
Further information: [Team Journal](

How detailed are the summary pages, and do they include individual updates made during the standup?

Summary pages compile all participants' updates from the standup.
Further information: [Team Journal](

Can non-participants or stakeholders access the standup summary and analytics reports in NASA?

Any user of the stream can access the reports.
Further information: [Team Journal](

Can NASA provide custom analytics for different team structures or project types?

Each standup meeting stream has its own analytics section which can be viewed from the "Team Journal" section. Individual performance reports can be checked by participants from the "My Overview" section.

What types of visualization do the analytics in NASA support, such as graphs or charts?

The Team Journal page makes use of three progress graphs for: "Participation", "Goals Met" and "Resolved Suggested Issues"

Can stakeholders who are not part of the NASA app user group access analytics reports?

No, only members from the dedicated standup stream can view their reports.

Can NASA analytics be exported for use in other data analysis tools?

No, the NASA app currently does not support the export of analytics data. 

Are analytics in NASA real-time, or is there a delay in the data displayed?

All available analytics from the NASA app is updated in real time. 

Does NASA include analytics related to individual performance in addition to team performance?

Yes, individual performance can be checked by each participant from the "My Overview" section.

Does NASA support drill-down functionality in analytics reports for more detailed insights?

No the NASA app currently does not support drill-down functionality for analytics reports.