How can I find Jira issues that are not shown in the 'Suggested Issues' section in NASA?

Click on the "Search" button within the right-hand panel in NASA and search for the desired issue by typing the issue name in the text box, then add it to your update by clicking on the "Plus" button next to the issue name.

Is there an option to create Jira issues directly from the NASA app if they do not exist?

Yes, you can create a new Jira issue by clicking on the "Create Issue" button within the NASA app and then adding it to the meeting stream.

What filters can be used to select which Jira issues to see during the NASA standup meeting?

Users can choose from "Priority," "Issue Type," "Status," or "By Jira Issue Filter" to determine which Jira issues they want to be suggested during preparation for their standup.

How do participants add flagged issues that need discussion during the NASA live meeting?

During the NASA live meeting, participants can flag issues for detailed discussion by clicking on the “flag icon” next to the issue, making it appear in the “Follow-up Issues” tab.

Can participants open and review Jira issues during the live standup meeting in NASA?

Yes, participants can click on the Jira issue number during the live standup to open the issue as a pop-up and make any changes before closing it.

How can Jira Issue Filters be set for better accessibility for all participants in NASA?

When using Jira Issue Filters, set "Viewers" to "My organization" to ensure the filter is accessible to all participants.

How do I add issues that are blocking me from proceeding with tasks in NASA?

After searching and adding the issue to the right-hand panel, click on "Next" to the question “What is blocking you?” and add the issue to your update.

What procedure should be followed for making use of preconfigured Jira Issue Filters?

When selecting “By Jira Issue Filter,” you'll be prompted to choose from the dropdown menu by typing the name of the filter and clicking on it once it appears.

What is the process for summarizing updates in preparation for a standup in NASA?

After completing the preparation with all updates, including any blocking issues, the "My Update Summary" will be displayed for review before the standup.

How do you add Jira issues to your update summary in NASA?

After finding or creating the Jira issue, you add it to the right-hand panel and then click the "Plus" button next to the issue name to include it in your update summary.

How can I track the performance of individual issues over time in NASA?

From the "Team Journal" page you can see an overview of the "Resolved Suggested Issues", but the app does not allow for performance tracking of individual issues. 

Is there functionality in NASA for flagging issues that need immediate attention or escalation?

Yes, during the live standup meeting you have the option to flag any of the issues or items from the participants' updates. 

How does NASA manage the visibility of sensitive issues during a standup?

To ensure that sensitive issues are not being displayed during standup, you can configure a Jira Filter to eliminate these issues and use the Jira Filter when configuring "Suggested Jira Issues" - read more about it here.

How can I transition issues between different statuses or workflows within NASA?

Jira issues can be opened, viewed, and edited within a standup meeting, allowing users to make the necessary changes as needed. 

Can I assign or reassign issues to team members during a standup through NASA?

Yes, issues that need to be reassigned can be done within a standup when opening the Jira issue and editing it. 

How can I view the history or audit trail of issue updates made during standups in NASA?

The history of issue updates cannot be seen during a standup meeting, however, the historic data of standup updates are captured for up to 30 days and can be manually checked from the "Team Journal" page.

How does NASA handle issue prioritization during standup meetings?

NASA can be configured to ensure that the "Suggest Jira Issues" are being displayed based on priority - read more about it here.

How does the NASA app facilitate the discussion around issue roadblocks?

When configuring the NASA app, the standup meeting questions ask about blockers by default, however, this can be customized to any team's needs in helping to identify blockers.